CalMag is a balanced, fast-acting calcium and magnesium supplement with the correct delivery system so your body can absorb it and you can get the benefit of these essential minerals.
Because of its formulation, the body absorbs it rapidly which means you can get the benefits instantly.
Although it seems like a miracle product because of the almost instant results our users report, it is what the body needs daily and should be a part of everyone’s daily nutritional intake.
Calcium and magnesium are not drugs but minerals the body needs to function properly.
Calcium and magnesium are essential for more than 300 functions in your body, such as sleep, pain, cramp and muscle spasm alleviation, nervousness, restless leg syndrome, relaxation, alleviating stress, hyperactivity, heart function, blood pressure, blood clotting (especially important during tooth extraction, child birth, operations and so on), etc.
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